On February 4th 2010 I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was completely stunned. I'm starting the "Scope That Colon! Initiative" to help others feel more comfortable dealing with this disease.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pre-Chemo Sunday!

Well it was a great, albeit chilly, Sunday-before-chemo day.

Slept in a bit then was able to head out on a ride with Andy. And I actually remembered the camera!

Best part of it all, no heart racing or palpatations (except for the hills)! Hopefully I'm on my way.

Here's some pics:

Me at the top of one of those pesky hills...

My friend Andy, who's not as tired at the top of the same hill....

Crossing the washed out bridge at Case Mtn....
Don't look down as you cross.....

Post rain waterfall...

All in all, a great ride. Then went over to watch a race in Farmington to get even more inspired...what a day!

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