Well in the quest to get back into my normal life (riding, health and fitness, etc.) I was finally able to REALLY start P90X (A bout of strep derailed my plans to start earlier).
For those of you who don't know, P90X is the workout infomercial that you see late at night while you're eating Cheetos on the couch.
There was a time where I though I was in descent shape... maybe not stupid O'Leary shape (the locals know what I'm talking about), but able to hang with most....
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? I can't even make it through a work out now.
I guess all I can do it keep at it and keep pressing the play button.
A side note... Props to my wife who has been kicking it hardcore at the aforementioned O'Leary's 5:15 interval class! I'm proud of you!
On the bike front, the brains behind Airborne bicycles are just coming back from a press junket and they have been getting some amazing reviews... Here's one...
I truly hoped I'm picked to represent them again in '11... I owe them alot and would love the opportunity to pay them back (another reason why I'm killing myself now...lol).
On the DoIt4Others.Blogspot front, things are going really slow. Companies are making it super hard and tedious (and anyone who knows me knows I hate tedium) to solicit sponsorships. Again, I'll keep at it.
I have a surprise coming up to show you guys soon... stay tuned...
By the way... enough with the snow already!!!!