Well it's that time of year again when you find fit skinny men parading all over France in rainbow colored costumes for the world to see. Yep, it's Tour de France time (not sure what you folks thought I was talking about). Here @STC Headquarters it a time of many arguments when I want to watch the Tour coverage but the other members of the family just don't get it.... I guess it's an acquired taste.
Because of these TV images, most of my riding ends up being on the road this time of year. I pedal around the area on my slick tire equipped Airborne Delta with visions of Lance Armstrong dancing in my head (but with out the needle in my ass cheek). I effortlessly attack every hill like I'm on a solo break away in a crucial stage of the tour... sweat dripping down my fore head as I reach for the luke warm water I have (how come no one hands me up water bottles on my rides?) . Luckily there's few Cumberland Farms and 7-11's on the route.
To prove my total lack of mountain biking lately, I'll give you this ScopeThatColon exclusive that I didn't want to share with anyone.... it was my mountain bike ride from Tuesday, I had big plans, but I just turned the GPS off and survived the loop.... Click on the
ride name and it shows some neat info though, for those of you into that stuff...
Not too pretty... I don't understand why that when it's really hot, every stone is taller and sharper than they were before. Everything on the bike creaks and squeaks and you just don't get comfortable... go figure...
Here's a few other nuggets:
-Waiting to here back from the state to confirm the date for the first annual Ride Your A$$ Off. I really wish I started this process earlier, but those of you who have grown close to me and the family probably realize why I didn't... that's for another day though.
- Coming up on the 14th my family is doing the ERRACE event.... More info here
http://www.errace.org/ Wife and kids are doing the walk and I'll do the 25 miler... We'd love to have family and friends join us, let us know.
- We have a few friends doing the 3Day breast cancer walk....
http://www.the3day.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homepage&JServSessionIdr004=tlavkaitl1.app320b... if you have a few extra bucks, throw it their way....
- Our SSDR (Super Secret Dads/Dudes Ride) group is having out first annual "Ride Up North presented by FSR Energy" (they hooked us up with a bunch of energy shots and drink for the trip). We're heading up to Killington on the 15th, the more the merrier, drop me a line if you're interested...
- If you find something you love, never change, caress it and profess your love and never take it for granted....yes, I'm talking about bike seats. Specialized bikes seats suck big time. I picked up a couple lighter racier styles to take the place of my old, chunky looking ti railed WTB saddles and I regret it. The Specialized saddles look "Euro" and all but they creak and the snag your shorts and on the cross bike the sharp edges scrap your thighs on remounts.... back to the WTB's for my butt.
And now to finish up, I'm going to rant all over you...
You all have killed it for me and have made me a bitter bitter man. Let me explain.
I'm coming up on 45 and for most of those adult years, I've worked retail in some capacity. Everything from small business to mega giant box stores. There was a time when I enjoyed helping people. Talking to them, offering my "expertise", and putting a smile on their face when I was able to help them out. And 95% I did it with kindness and common courtesy.
You all ruined it for me. I realize we live in tough economical times and every dollar counts, but customer service doesn't mean "bend over and let me take it up the ass".
"Stop arguing with me that you forgot your five dollar off coupon to a competitor and we should still match it anyways (is the $5 worth it looking like a douche bag?)."
"Your 47 years old, it's about time you learn on your own, the basics on how a helmet fits... I'm not asking you to split an atom"
"Even after explaining that $150 is not alot of money and this isn't really a "full suspension mountain bike", I shouldn't have to replace your rear wheel for free when you go complaining to management that I want to charge you"
"We're not a playground... stop letting your kids run around the store unattended!"
"Your failure to plan ahead does not consitute an emergency on my part... I will do my best to fix your bike so you have it for your trip tomorrow. Stop yelling at me if I can't get it done though, from the looks of the rust, two flat tires and spider webs, I would bet that the bike emergency didn't happen over night."
Yes, I'm bitter.....